Episode 15

Published on:

21st Aug 2024

BCTF Closure...it's rough

The BC Tree Fruits Co-Op announced it's immediate closure on July 25th. This shocked the apple sector, and hit the co-op's 300+ members pretty hard. Herein: a summary of the story so far, and an interview with a co-op member who's super pissed about this. She explains why the closure is such a big deal in terms of the impact it will have on apple growers for this year's harvest.

Contacting Jordan (hot tip: put my number in your phone for future messaging!)

250 767 6636


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About the Podcast

Farming in British Columbia
Interviews with BC-based farmers, food processors, academics and others who contribute to food production in BC in one way or another.

About your host

Profile picture for Jordan Marr

Jordan Marr

I'm Jordan Marr, a farmer and broadcaster in BC's North Okanagan. My farm business is called Unearthed Organics, where I produce milling corn and dry beans on a small-scale. I currently produce and host this podcast as well as The Organic BC Podcast & The Ruminant Podcast. I also produce a regular segment on food and farming in the southern interior for CBC Radio's Daybreak South, based in Kelowna. I live with my wife and two kids in Vernon.