Episode 1

Published on:

21st Feb 2024

Wild Antho: Beekeeping in Armstrong

Welcome to a new podcast about farming in BC! This first episode, a conversation with Emily Huxter, a beekeeper based in Armstrong. 

In our conversation, Emily contrasts honey production on the prairies and the Okanagan, why the economics of beekeeping is probably not what you have assumed, and why 50% of a jar of 100% Canadian Honey may actually be from Singapore.

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About the Podcast

Farming in British Columbia
Interviews with BC-based farmers, food processors, academics and others who contribute to food production in BC in one way or another.

About your host

Profile picture for Jordan Marr

Jordan Marr

I'm Jordan Marr, a farmer and broadcaster in BC's North Okanagan. My farm business is called Unearthed Organics, where I produce milling corn and dry beans on a small-scale. I currently produce and host this podcast as well as The Organic BC Podcast & The Ruminant Podcast. I also produce a regular segment on food and farming in the southern interior for CBC Radio's Daybreak South, based in Kelowna. I live with my wife and two kids in Vernon.